Comprehensive Psychological Assessment
At Synergy we conduct individually tailored and comprehensive psychological assessments related to Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorders, Learning Disabilities, Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities, Anxiety, Depression, Personality Disorders, and differential diagnoses. We regularly provide Neuropsychological Assessments, Psychoeducational Assessments, Independent Education Evaluations (IEE), and Functional Behavior Analyses (FBA) for school-based services. We also provide comprehensive record reviews, assessment metaanalyses, and web-based assessment profiles/screenings, which allow us to provide you with custom tailored resources, treatment recommendations, academic accommodations, and support services that are associated with the indicated areas of concern or symptom presentation. It is relatively common for parents to wonder if their child is developing at an age-appropriate rate and/or if their child has the necessary skills to move beyond preschool to Kindergarten. In such instances, we provide resolution by conducting a comprehensive evaluation that emphasizes concrete and practical treatment recommendations. We view all of our clients from a whole-person perspective, which means that before any diagnoses or recommendations are made, we seek to understand our clients from all aspects of their lives to help identify their areas of strength as well as areas of weakness.
- Neuropsychological Assessment
Neuropsychological assessments are the most comprehensive of all the assessment options. They include detailed evaluation of the child's or adult's intellectual ability, academic achievement, executive functioning, memory and learning styles, diagnostic profile including personality traits, sensory processing, social-emotional functioning, and behavioral responses. A neuropsychological assessment combines the components of a psychodiagnostic assessment and a psychoeducational assessment with additional evaluation of an individual's executive functioning.
- Psychodiagnostic Assessment
- Psychoeducational & Neuropsycho-Educational Assessments
Psychoeducational assessments are conducted in a variety of circumstances: When the child is not progressing appropriately in his/her school setting and parents or school staff have concerns, when schools have conducted their own assessment of the child’s academic performance and the parents would like a second opinion, when schools or parents suggest that an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) should be conducted to best determine the child’s academic needs, when there is a question about the appropriateness of school placement, and in other similar circumstances. Psychoeducational assessments are also conducted when it is suspected that a student may need specific academic accommodations in order to perform at a level that is consistent with their ability.
- Developmental Assessment
Young children typically meet the traditional developmental milestones within a specified range of time. However, for a variety of reasons, some children are observed to have delays in meeting one or several of the milestones. When parents have concerns about their child’s developmental progress, we perform an assessment to determine whether and to what degree the child demonstrates delays. We then offer treatment recommendations, and when necessary, appropriate referrals for further treatment.
- Kindergarten Readiness Assessment
A parent’s decision whether to enroll their child in Kindergarten or to wait an extra year to afford time for further development can feel overwhelming. When it is unclear whether a child is developmentally ready to begin kindergarten, we conduct an assessment to determine if the child demonstrates age-appropriate skills that are typically required in a kindergarten setting. We consider the assessment results in conjunction with observations of the child’s temperament and emotional security to formulate recommendations that facilitate the parents’ important decision.
- Web-Based Assessment Profiles/Screenings
We utilize the most up-to-date digital assessment screenings, which allow us to provide you with custom tailored resources, treatment recommendations, academic accommodations, and support services that are associated with the indicated areas of concern or symptom presentation. These screenings are customized to each client, whether to determine the need for a more comprehensive assessment, to supplement an already established assessment, or to facilitate making expedited recommendations.